關於室內設計領域內的各種想法,新的潮流,家居配搭的概念, 在這裡我們可以為你一站式提供。
在所有我們的室內設計工作當中,我們探用優質的材料配合設計平衡家居, 每一個細節都為整個巧妙的內部佈置扮演重要的角色。
室內設計不僅滿足我們對美感的期待,還是面對生活的一種態度。我們將業主的需求結合我們專業的分析: 包括良好的規劃、材質與光線的演繹、造型分割的比例、計畫性的照明、甚至於傢俱擺飾的挑選以及搭配空間的形象設計。
本公司會因應不同客人的需求、喜好,為客人度身訂造一個集舒適、美觀及實用的居所或工作環境,並且配合周全的施工計劃以達至更佳的設計作品. 設計師除著重提供一個好的設計概念外,亦重視工程管理、手工質素,我們能直接管理屬下的傢俬工場和裝修技工,因而工程的質素和進度得以更易控制。憑藉著我們的專業態度,承接的各項工程必能滿足到客戶的要求,為大小家居、辦公室、商鋪提供室內設計裝修服務等等。
ANGLE DESIGN is a professional interior design company provides the most perfect solution to the customer on the region of interior and furniture design.
Ideas in the field of Interior Design, the new styles, concepts of interior arrangement find their place here where one can have an idea of the level of services and the range of products we can offer.
In all our interior design works, we give a lot of importance to the compositional balance using quality materials with products where detail has an important role to play in tracing an exquisite interior arrangement.
By a simple navigation one can have an idea with regard to the services offered, the portfolio, the team, the media novelties, and one can find an easy way to contact us.
Interior design not only can satisfy our sense of beauty, it also portrays one’s attitude and respect toward life. We provide a range of service delivery to meet the unique requirements of every customer. Tuned to your specifications, we offer our clients a full range of Interior Design Services including: Design consultations, Space Planning, Lighting Plans,Collocation of material, Furniture Selections and Detail design of oner’s personal style and image.
According to the needs of our customers, we, with all our capability, tailor-made them comfortable, beautiful and practical homes or working environment. Not only the appearance, we emphasize the entire of work, especially the quality. We are confident that, with our aggressive and professional attitude, the project will be undertaken smoothly in order to meet the requirements of our customers.